
In the areas of Limburg, the province of Brabant, and Brussels and seeking help for tics or Tourette Syndrome?

Where to find treatment in the areas of Limburg, the province of Brabant, and Brussels for tics or Tourette Syndrome?

Seeking help in Belgium for tics or Tourette Syndrome? You can visit the Universitair Psychiatrisch Centrum KU Leuven if you live in the area of Limburg, the province of Brabant, and Brussels https://www.upckuleuven.be/nl/zorgaanbod/tics-gilles-de-la-tourette

There you can meet one of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists with specialised knowledge of Tourette Syndrome - Prof. Dr. Jean Steyaert or Dr. Karen Vertessen (pictured). With them you can speak Dutch or English and only children and young people under 18 years old can be accepted at their clinic.

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